So what happens on February 2nd every year? A woodchuck, groundhog, ground squirrel or marmot comes out of its burrow and checks for its shadow. If it sees a shadow it will go back into its burrow for 6 more weeks of winter and if there is no shadow it will stay on the ground and this means spring is near.
History of Groundhog Day
Most people think that the Groundhog Day tradition was brought about by the German settlers in Pennsylvania, though this is true there is another significance. Groundhog day is exactly 40 days after Christmas and Christians have a close tie with 40 days. Groundhog Day is the first holiday in the New Year.
There is a Scottish poem that also plays a part in the tradition and history of Groundhog Day. This is how it goes:
"As the light grows longer
The cold grows stronger
If Candlemas be fair and bright
Winter will have another light
If Candlemas be cloud and Snow
Winter will be gone and not come again
A should on Candlemas day
Have half his corn and half his hay
On Candlemas day is throns hang a drop
You can be sure of a good pea crop."
Significance of February 2nd.
Since the first week of February falls between the winter solstice and spring equinox, it is the perfect time for the groundhog's peek a boo with the clouds and shadows. The month of February has been significant for many cultures including Christians who celebrate Candlemas and Romans who celebrate the mid-season festival. Also the pagans Irish celebrate the arrival of spring around the same time.
What is so special about the Ground hog?
Ok so most of us will find it strange that a day is dedicated to a groundhog, but those in Pennsylvania will not. The groundhog is an animal that hibernates for winter and when it leaves its burrow it means that may be, just maybe spring is coming and the cold harsh winter is over. This tradition started with the Germans who migrated to Pennsylvania, come February they would look for groundhogs to check whether it has left its burrow or not, in the hopes of an early winter. Though this may be superstition it is rooted in the fact that when you can see a shadow it means that winter is around because there are no clouds to insulate the earth.
Celebrating Groundhog Day
America can thank Clymer Freas and W. Smith for the celebrations that are seen these days on groundhog's day. These two people, the former a newspaper editor and the latter an American congressman and newspaper publisher, popularized a festival in Punxsutawney in Pennsylvania (where the Germans settled). This festival was centered on a groundhog that would help in predicting the weather and if spring were to begin there would be celebration all around. These days it is a groundhog called Punxsutawney Phil that gets all the popularity on this day thanks to the movie called Groundhog Day. In Canada it is an albino groundhog called Wiarton Willy who has the same honor of predicting winter or spring.
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