Sep 22, 2011

Different Driving Customs in Foreign Countries

First thing that you need to do is to ensure that you are familiarize yourself with international road signs. Most of the signs are in forms of pictographs for easier understanding. You will need to review the meaning of the road signs and really understand what they depict.Driving customs are different in every place. This includes hand signals and other gestures when driving. So to not be confused with driving customs, you will need to watch local drivers' signals.

For example, you might mean to give out a signal for a left turn when you stick your left arm out the window but when you go to Greece, it means differently. In Greece, sticking out the arm of a window means that it is safe to pass.Do not just stay on any lane when driving on a freeway with multiple lanes. Other countries designate individual lanes for slow and fast moving vehicles. In Europe, the fast lanes are just used for passing. If you are used to using any lane even when driving slow, do not do it in other countries as you may be given a violation.

Anticipate that you might have to drive on a different side of the road. You will have to pay attention when driving on the side of the road that you are not used to.Always drive carefully where ever you may be. You may be pushed by locals to drive faster but let it not affect you. When you encounter drivers who flash their lights at you, stop or slow down then let them go ahead of you.Keep in mind the speed limits when driving on the road. You will see the signs for the speed limit. Speed and distance measurements differ in places you go to depending on the system used.

Speed in the United States is measured in miles per hour whereas in some places it is measured in kilometers per hour.You may encounter some roads that caters to a two way traffic on a single lane. For this kind of road, you may have to have the one side of your wheels on the road and the others off it. If you are not used to driving on this kind of road, it is best that you stop and let the other vehicle pass.Generally, and international license is required when driving out of the country. It is best to have it but some just drive without it, following the rules carefully.

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